342 research outputs found

    Conciliación en equidad: un aporte a la resolución de conflictos en materia de Derecho de Familia, en el municipio de Tumaco, Nariño

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    La investigación realiza un abordaje de los resultados y alcances de la figura de conciliación en equidad. La metodología empleada se rige por los aportes y planteamientos de la teoría fundamentada (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). En el municipio de Tumaco, los sujetos son convocados a audiencia en uno de los cinco Puntos de Atención en Conciliación en Equidad, PACE, acción que constituye un recurso efectivo y garantía de derechos, en el marco de un modelo de autocomposición alternativa de conflictos, de tipo comunitario. Se indaga en actas de conciliación en equidad de los años 2012 a 2014 y los hallazgos permiten concluir la positividad en la construcción colectiva de la paz y la convivencia de la figura de la conciliación en equidad en materia de Derecho de Familia, en la región

    Neurological recovery after traumatic spinal cord injury: prognostic value of magnetic resonance

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    [Abstract] Study design: Retrospective observational study. Objectives: Assess the relationship between Magnetic Resonance (MR) image patterns and neurological recovery in patients with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (TSCI). Setting: Spinal cord injury unit in Spain. Methods: Patients admitted for acute TSCI between January 2010 and December 2018 with a MR exam performed in the acute phase were selected. Five patterns were established: normal, single-level edema, multilevel edema, hemorrhage, and spinal cord transection. Comparisons between the ASIA Injury Severity (AIS) score and Motor Index (MI) at admission and at discharge were made. Results: Collected 296 patients. Normal and cord transection patterns were excluded due to the low number of cases. Single-level edema pattern was primarily observed in cases with incomplete injuries, hemorrhage pattern in complete injuries, and multilevel edema pattern at similar percentages in complete and incomplete lesions. Improvement of the AIS score was found in 40.9% of single-level edema, 20.2% of multilevel edema, and 19.0% of hemorrhage (p = 0.042) patterns. By excluding the AIS grade D from the analyses, the figures increased to 70.3%, 52.2%, and 19.4% respectively (p < 0.001). This significant relationship was confirmed by multivariate analysis, although it was not as relevant as the examination according to ASIA-ISCoS performed at admission (p = 0.005 vs p < 0.001). Mean variation of the MI was also significantly different (p < 0.001) between the three groups: 22.6 ± 21.4 for single-level edema, 16.9 ± 21.1 for multilevel edema, and 4.5 ± 8.4 for hemorrhage. Conclusion: MR injury patterns observed at the acute phase are associated with the possibility of improvement of the AIS score and MI

    Calibration of Correlation Radiometers Using Pseudo-Random Noise Signals

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    The calibration of correlation radiometers, and particularly aperture synthesis interferometric radiometers, is a critical issue to ensure their performance. Current calibration techniques are based on the measurement of the cross-correlation of receivers’ outputs when injecting noise from a common noise source requiring a very stable distribution network. For large interferometric radiometers this centralized noise injection approach is very complex from the point of view of mass, volume and phase/amplitude equalization. Distributed noise injection techniques have been proposed as a feasible alternative, but are unable to correct for the so-called “baseline errors” associated with the particular pair of receivers forming the baseline. In this work it is proposed the use of centralized Pseudo-Random Noise (PRN) signals to calibrate correlation radiometers. PRNs are sequences of symbols with a long repetition period that have a flat spectrum over a bandwidth which is determined by the symbol rate. Since their spectrum resembles that of thermal noise, they can be used to calibrate correlation radiometers. At the same time, since these sequences are deterministic, new calibration schemes can be envisaged, such as the correlation of each receiver’s output with a baseband local replica of the PRN sequence, as well as new distribution schemes of calibration signals. This work analyzes the general requirements and performance of using PRN sequences for the calibration of microwave correlation radiometers, and particularizes the study to a potential implementation in a large aperture synthesis radiometer using an optical distribution network

    Estilo de vida y Actividad Física durante la emergencia sanitaria de la Facultad de Pedagogía y Cultura Física – Cantuta

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    La emergencia sanitaria ocasionada por la presencia del COVID 19, produjo un confinamiento obligatorio que, paulatinamente, viene reactivando las actividades laborales, sociales, recreativas y deportivas, en este contexto el sistema educativo no fue la excepción, así, el programa de educación física y deporte de la Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, se vio afectado en el desarrollo de sus labores académicas, pasando a una modalidad virtual, lo que generó menores índices en la práctica de actividades físicas por parte de nuestros estudiantes, incrementando así el sedentarismo. Asimismo, la OMS (citado por Rosales et al. 2017) establece que una alimentación inadecuada abre las puertas a una problemática de carácter socio-sanitaria en todo el mundo, son causantes principales de muertes y enfermedades, especialmente en los países en desarrollo, y en relación a la salud mental, desde el punto de vista de Rodrígues et al. (2020) expone que la actividad física tiene influencia en dicho factor, de forma específica en la reducción de ansiedad y estrés, asimismo, en la prevención del insomnio y consumo de medicamentos. Para la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU, citado por Aguilar y Yopla, 2018) “la actividad física es cualquier movimiento corporal que exija gasto de energía. Además de la educación física y el deporte, la actividad física incluye el juego activo y actividades habituales y cotidianas como caminar o ir en bicicleta” (p. 27). Conforme, a los lineamientos de responsabilidad social, la universidad debe fomentar y desarrollar los estilos de vida saludable, así mismo programar actividades físicas - recreativas de promoción y prevención (Olivero et al., 2016). Además, Barbosa y Urrea (2018) detallan los beneficios de realizar deporte y actividad física ya que estos son factores que influyen positivamente en relación a la mejora de la salud física y mental de las personas. El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la relación que existe entre estilo de vida y actividad física durante la emergencia sanitaria de la Facultad de Pedagogía y Cultura Física – Cantuta. Se aplicó una metodología descriptiva – correlacional de corte transversal, la muestra fue no probabilística, compuesta por 50 estudiantes del sexto ciclo de dicho programa. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron: el cuestionario de estilo de vida, adaptado y validado para fines de la investigación, y el cuestionario IPAQ (versión corta) de actividad física, elaborado por Mantilla, obteniendo los siguientes resultados: para la variable actividad fisica el 44% tiene un alto índice de actividad física, el 42% un índice medio y el 14% un índice bajo, y en la variable de estilo de vida el 76% practica un estilo de vida poco saludable, el 24% practica un correcto estilo de vida saludable. Encontrándose un valor de correlación positiva de 0.64. En conclusión, dichas variables si están correlacionadas en la población de la que proviene la muestra, y que a medida que el índice de actividad física mejore también la frecuencia en los patrones de los estilos de vida se incrementarán

    Prevalencia de maloclusión en pre-escolares del Gran Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina : su relación con hábitos persistentes

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    El presente trabajo desarrolló un estudio descriptivo a nivel regional en niños pre-escolares con los siguientes objetivos: -Establecer porcentajes de la población infantil pre-escolar (que asisten a jardín y pre-jardín) del Gran Mendoza, que usan mamadera y/o chupete.Determinar el tipo de maloclusión prevalente en la población pre-escolar del Gran Mendoza. -Establecer porcentajes de la población de niños pre-escolares que usan chupete y/o biberón y que presentan maloclusión dentaria.-Determinar el tipo de maloclusión prevalente en este subgrupo poblacional. Conclusiones: El porcentaje de niños que persistieron en el hábito del chupete y/ o biberón en la población de alumnos de jardín y pre-jardín de las escuelas estudiadas es de casi el 20% de varones y mujeres promediado. No se pudo establecer una asociación entre la persistencia de éstos hábitos y el desarrollo de maloclusiones dentarias como se describe en la literatura. Esto podrfa relacionarse en gran medida con la biotipología, que por razones instrumentales no fue documentada. Se concluyó que es muy alto el porcentaje de la población escolar estudiada que presenta maloclusiones; 83,78% de niñas y el 76% de varones. Prevalecieron las clases I con mordida cerrada. La presencia de alteraciones transversales de la mordida fue de alrededor del 11 % para ambos sexos.This paper develops a descriptive and regional study in pre-scholars children. Objectives: -To stablish a percencentual of the children population in pre-scholar age in Grand Mendoza-Argentina, who are using milk bottles and/or pacifiers. -To determinate the type of dental malocclusion in this population. -To stablish a percentual in the subgroup who are using milk bottles and/or pacifiers, how many of them presents malocclusion and which type is the prevalent. Conclusions: the percentual of pre-scholars children who are using milk bottles andlor pacifiers in the studied population is from almost the 20% in boys and girls in promedy. It wasnt found an association between the presence of these sucking habits and the development of dental malocclusions, as is referred in the literature. This can be related with the bio typology, wich had not been documented in this instance. The percentual of the studied population who presents dental malocclusion is very high: 83,78% of girls and 76% of boys. The prevalent malocclusion is c1ass I with deep bite. The presence of transversals alterations is about 11 % for booth sexes.Fil: Vuoto, Elena Rosa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Prigione, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Fernández, Claudia Nélida. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Cambría Ronda, Salvador. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Chade, Marisa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Esquembre, Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: De la Rosa, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Herreros, María de los Ángeles. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Anit, Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Martí, Sonia Ema. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Giamportone, María Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Valles, Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Villar, Ariel Dario. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Carrió, María del Carmen. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y LetrasFil: Solé, Verónica Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de SaltaFil: Chia, Carla Lorena.Fil: Giuberti, Adriana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseñ

    Socioeconomic Inequalities and Toothbrushing Frequency among Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 12 Years in a Multi-Site Study of Mexican Cities: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Periodic toothbrushing is the most common, effective, and reliable way to mechanically remove biofilm from oral tissues. The objective of the present study was to determine the association between toothbrushing frequency and socioeconomic position for schoolchildren between 6 and 12 years of age in four cities in Mexico. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 500 Mexican schoolchildren between 6 and 12 years of age from public schools in four Mexican cities. Questionnaires were administered to the parents/guardians of the schoolchildren to obtain the variables included in the study. The dependent variable was toothbrushing frequency, dichotomized as: 0 = less than twice a day and 1 = at least twice a day. The analysis was performed in Stata. The average age of the schoolchildren was 8.9 1.9 years; 50.4% were female. The prevalence of toothbrushing was 52.8% (at least twice a day) (95% CI = 48.457.1). In the multivariate model, the variables associated (p < 0.05) with toothbrushing frequency were older age of the schoolchild (OR = 1.14); younger age of the mother (OR = 0.93); being a girl (OR = 1.70); being enrolled in Seguro Popular (OR = 0.69); being in a household that was owned (OR = 2.43); and being a schoolchild who lived in a home that owned a car (OR = 1.31). The prevalence of toothbrushing at least twice a day was just over 50% in these Mexican children. We found demographic and socioeconomic variables to be associated with toothbrushing. Based on socioeconomic variables that were associated with toothbrushing frequency—such as health insurance, home ownership and the household owning a car—the results of the present study confirm the existence of health inequalities in toothbrushing frequency

    Ocre y cinabrio en el registro funerario de El Argar

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    The known cases of Bronze Age Argaric stained skeletons found in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, have been analysed. The various hypotheses proposed relating to the origin of these colorations have been evaluated in light of new data provided by SEM, XRD and RAMAN spectroscopic analysis carried out on five Argaric graves of Murcia and Alicante. The results have indicated the presence of ochre and cinnabar on some of the skeletons. Without discarding the possibility that both substances were used in dyeing fabrics, it is proposed that their main use was for face and body make-up, being higher the number of recorded cases on female skeletons compared to male.Se analizan los casos de esqueletos con tinciones documentados en el ámbito argárico del Sudeste de la Península Ibérica. Se evalúan las diversas hipótesis planteadas hasta el momento en relación con el origen de estas coloraciones, tomando en consideración los análisis (SEM, XRD y espectroscopía RAMAN) realizados en cinco tumbas argáricas de Murcia y Alicante que han determinado la presencia de ocre y cinabrio. Sin descartar su posible uso en el teñido de tejidos, se propone su empleo en el maquillaje facial y corporal, siendo mayor el número de casos registrados sobre esqueletos de mujeres que de hombres

    Novel Variant in the CNNM2 Gene Associated with Dominant Hypomagnesemia

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    The maintenance of magnesium (Mg2+) homeostasis is essential for human life. The Cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS)-pair domain divalent metal cation transport mediators (CNNMs) have been described to be involved in maintaining Mg2+ homeostasis. Among these CNNMs, CNNM2 is expressed in the basolateral membrane of the kidney tubules where it is involved in Mg2+ reabsorption. A total of four patients, two of them with a suspected disorder of calcium metabolism, and two patients with a clinical diagnosis of primary tubulopathy were screened for mutations by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). We found one novel likely pathogenic variant in the heterozygous state (c.2384C>A; p.(Ser795*)) in theCNNM2gene in a family with a suspected disorder of calcium metabolism. In this family, hypomagnesemia was indirectly discovered. Moreover, we observed three novel variants of uncertain significance in heterozygous state in the other three patients (c.557G>C; p.(Ser186Thr), c.778A>T; p.(Ile260Phe), and c.1003G>A; p.(Asp335Asn)). Our study shows the utility of Next-Generation Sequencing in unravelling the genetic origin of rare diseases. In clinical practice, serum Mg2+ should be determined in calcium and PTH-related disorders.This study was supported by three grants from the Department of Health (2017111014, 2018111097 and 2019111052) and one grant from the Department of Education (IT1281-19) of the Basque Government. This work is generated within the Endocrine European Reference Network (Project ID number of Endo-ERN: 739527). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Five Patients with Disorders of Calcium Metabolism Presented with GCM2 Gene Variants

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    The GCM2 gene encodes a transcription factor predominantly expressed in parathyroid cells that is known to be critical for development, proliferation and maintenance of the parathyroid cells. A cohort of 127 Spanish patients with a disorder of calcium metabolism were screened for mutations by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). A targeted panel for disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism was designed to include 65 genes associated with these disorders. We observed two variants of uncertain significance (p.(Ser487Phe) and p.Asn315Asp), one likely pathogenic (p.Val382Met) and one benign variant (p.Ala393_Gln395dup) in the GCM2 gene in the heterozygous state in five families (two index cases had hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism, respectively, and three index cases had primary hyperparathyroidism). Our study shows the utility of NGS in unravelling the genetic origin of some disorders of the calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and confirms the GCM2 gene as an important element for the maintenance of calcium homeostasis. Importantly, a novel variant in the GCM2 gene (p.(Ser487Phe)) has been found in a patient with hypocalcemia.This study was supported by three grants from the Department of Health (2017111014, 2018111097 and 2019111052) and one grant from the Department of Education (IT1281-19) of the Basque Government. This work is generated within the Endocrine European Reference Network (Project ID number of Endo-ERN: 739527). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip